Mei Saraswati - Sky and Below
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This is one 27min long track containing a collection of field recordings, they are as follows
1. Baigup Wetlands, Maylands 2017
2. Our balcony (Swan River), Maylands 2017
3. Conti Reserve (Black Cockatoos), Wanneroo 2015
4. Smith's Lake (Swamp Gospel), North Perth 2012
5. Baha'i Temple Stream, Tiapapata, Samoa 2010
6. Rotorua Geysers (Ah Mah passing), NZ 2016
7. Penang Hill (Family Trek), Malaysia 2016
8. Swan River (Paddle Clubb), Maylands 2016
9. Hyde Park (7.07PM), North Perth 2014
10. Joondalup Arena (Hedge Corridor), Joondalup 2015
11. Beeliar Wetlands (Underwater Invertebrates + us talking) 2017
12. Lake Joondalup (Underwater Invertebrates), Joondalup 2015
13. Redemptionist Monastery (Gang of frogs), North Perth 2014
14. Camellia Street (Lone frog), North Perth 2014
These field recordings were recorded over 7 years. They are in order of recording. They have some soft electronic tones in the background.
"Instead of photographs - sounds. Memories in the soundscapes of places I've visited: alone or with family & friends"