Nakatani Tatsuya + Kawabata Makoto - Reverse Fault (逆断層)
No stream for this. Click the image to watch a live performance.
The Gate Of The Dark Female (玄牝之門)
The Spider Of Unknowing (不可知の蜘蛛)
Slug Scattling (疾走する蛞蝓)
Conformist Slater (ワラジムシは体制順応主義者)
Liquidized Rocks (融解岩石)
An Inquiry Into The Meal (膳の研究)
Perplexed Goosefish (鮟鱇の困惑)
Mackerel's Revenge (鯖の復讐)
Strict Roars (厳密な咆哮)
Bandit Goes Underground (ならずもの潜行中)
The latest CD to be added to my collection