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Seij minus aÇ - Black Acuity Suddenly Diagonal

Updated: May 10

Click the image to listen on Bandcamp.

  1. Angry Water

  2. Great Chasm

  3. Lapis Lazuli

  4. Semitransparent

  5. Remote

  6. Neutron Star

  7. Negativity

  8. Young Galaxy

  9. Black Acuity Suddenly Diagonal

  10. Deaths Flow

  11. Astrotrauma

  12. Mechanical Moth - Angry Water (Mechanical Moth Remix)

  13. Kaos-Frequenz - Astrotrauma (Kaos-Frequenz Remix)

  14. Wille zur Macht - Semitransparent (Wille zur Macht Remix)

  15. Novastorm - Astrotrauma (Novastorm Remix)

  16. Wutklang - Remote (Wutklang Remix)

  17. Intent:Outtake - Astrotrauma (Intent:Outtake Remix)

"The project name Seij minus aÇ (/seɪdʒˈmaɪ.nəs.əs/ as sage minus us) signifies “(music of) a negative dimension immanent in silence”.

Silence in the Japanese language is seijaku.

The incarnation of the project is reflection of conception, style and works by hAj."


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